Wednesday 5 August 2015

Create App in Playstore console (Part 1)

this video contain basic introduction of playstore console,

and it will explain how to create app in google developer console

-this video has 2 parts this is part 1

-part 2 has information related to inapp products

Create inapp products in google Playstore console (Part 2)

this video contain introduction of Inaap products in google developer console, it will teach you how to create inapp products and how to test inapp and how many things are required for inaap.

and it will explain how to create app in google developer console

-this video has 2 parts this is part 2

-part 1 has introduction of google console

Sunday 2 August 2015

Fb Debug Hash key missing problem unity 3d solved

this video will help you to solve problem of debug keystore hash is missing when you are using Facebook plugin for your unity project.

i hope it will help you